Friday, August 26, 2011

Art Inspired Poetry

Below you will read my Art Inspired Poetry. I journeyed through the Toledo Museum of Art and allowed myself to be inspired by works of art within these walls. Below you will read that work. Make sure you click older posts at the bottom to read all of them. Enjoy.

Shiny and Wet

Inspired by the painting
"Passage Of A Smile" by
Yves Tanguy

Picture Not Available

desolate the landscape
scattered about
slivers of
shiny and wet

masses of colorful unimportance
showcase themselves pompously
amidst the gray void

like emptied civilizations
of moons past
the shiny protrudes
the organic
lacking vibrant life
craving a society

so out of place
they still exist
shoving onward
with no regards
to the gray

maybe one day
the gray will become
as slivers
amidst a landscape
of shiny and wet

Family Earth

Inspired by
"Epa Helmet Mask: Mother of Twins (Iyabeji)" by
The Yoruba People of Nigeria
Late 1800's

We can be so strong
We can be united
We can be so one

Honor and commitment
two words
that could change
this world

Everyone on our planet
is family
we are one

and have done so
since we first ventured
out of our caves

The heart of our people
is broken
-together we can mend it

We can be strong
We can be united

Together we are one people


Inspired by the reconstruction of
The Cloister of Notre-Dame-de-Pontaut
at the Toledo Museum of Art

I can feel them here
lightly marching
to and fro
reciting chants
whispering prayers
contemplating silence

I can breathe them
tending to the earth
soaking in the sunlight
cleansing their hands
in the holy basin

So lost
are they
yet so content
so willing to stay


yet willing to stave off life
as a gruesome display
of martyrdom
for their god
and their god's witnesses

Though a life of solitude
is found
lifelong companionship
with other solitaries
is welcomed with a fervor

Funny Like Grampa

Inspired by the painting
"Self-Portrait" by
Maurice-Quentin de La Tour

the look on your face is priceless
don't know whether
to pull your finger
or look out the window
either way
you will still be pleased
I'm sure

you live for the joke
you live the joke
for you
the joke is living

Wave Of Chaos

Inspired by the painting
"Sunlight On The Coast" by
Winslow Homer

violently parting
as if a knife
severed the water
leaving a deep wound

the rocks scream
for some sort of

the waves hold no compassion
only thrusting
and bashing
and roaring
and smacking
aggressively raping the shore

someone out there

glazed in an unexpected light

does nothing
sneaks by
desperately escaping notice
of the liquid progenitors
of chaos

Dore's Waking Dream

Inspired by the painting
"The Scottish Highlands" by
Gustave Dore'

like a dream manifested
-this view
worth a life
electrified waterfalls

ominous god-like clouds
lord over this serenity

the water that pools
is lush and deep
holding ancient secrets
a reflection of myth

there is no waking here
only living dream
dancing gently
through imagination

this spectacle fools the mind

it is not a dream
it is an actuality

Sneaky Fucker

Inspired by the painting
"The Painter Charles Conder" by
Sir William Rothenstein

Sneaky Fucker!
Where are you coming from?
What's behind that wall?
An orgy perhaps?
No, you are much too
sneaky for that.
Probably a shrine.
A creepy shrine to yourself.
But more likely it is a
pale shitter
housing rare first editions.
You are such a sneaky fucker!

Just Today

Inspired by the painting
"At The Fair" by
Henri Edmond Cross

They dance
They hug
He Howls

The sun duskly shines
as gulls march seaward

Sailboats begin to shore

The flags blow
towards hope

The people forget yesterday
just today
at the fair

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Facts About Myself

15 Facts about Stefan Gearhart

1. I was born on May 14th 1979 in Toledo, OH.
2. That makes me a Taurus. I love being a Taurus.
3. I went to Catholic School for 8 years.
4. I am a Neo-Pagan with an interest in Zen Buddhism.
5. I graduated from Western Kentucky University with a B.F.A in Theatre.
6. I also attended a Southern Baptist college, Campellsville University, where I became a pagan oddly enough.
7. I love Superman.
8. I am a major romantic.
9. I perform improv comedy and ran an improv troupe in Louisville called Damaged Goods.
10. My Mother left my brother, my sister, and myself when I was 5.
11. I have been to 30 states as well as both Mexico and Canada.
12. My favorite color is green.
13. My favorite food and drink are pizza and milk.
14. Aside from improv I also sing and act!
15. I am a giant comic book nerd.